Bibliography Anonymous. “Goodbye, Computer Mouse.” Communications of the ACM 51, no. 9 (September 2008): 16. Atkinson, Paul. “The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men: The Computer Mouse in the History of Computing.” Design Issues 23, no. 3 (Summer 2007): 49-61. Bardini, Thierry. Bootstrapping: Douglas Engelbart, Coevolution, and the Origins of Personal Computing. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2000. Brown, David E. Inventing Modern America: From the Microwave to the
The Computer Mouse: Aglet of the Digital World from Heather Taylor on Vimeo. The Computer Mouse: Aglet of the Digital World (Transcription) Narrator: “When you look at this object, what is the first thing you see? The colors? The rubber sole? More than likely, you didn’t even notice the clear plastic tip at the end of the shoelace. Narrator: “This piece may look insignificant, however, it is a vital
History: The light pen is a unique antecedent, as it is a first attempt at touchscreen technology. It is a “penlike input device that was used with cathode-ray tube display to point at items on the screen or to draw new items or modify existing ones. The light pen had a photosensor at the tip that responded to the peak illumination that occurred when the cathode-ray tube scanning spot passed its
History: The joystick was probably the most competitive antecedent. It was “A device for generating input signals that can cause the cursor or some other symbol to be moved rapidly about on the display screen in response to hand movements… It is a shaft, several centimeters in height, that is vertically mounted in a base and can be pulled or pushed by the fingers in any arbitrary direction. The normal
History: The keyboard was one of the first ways that humans and computers interacted. It is “an array of keys that may be captioned buttons or marked areas on a plane, each of which can cause a discrete signal or action when pressed with a finger. In current systems the operation of the key is detected and turned into a coded electrical signal; in the past mechanical coupling was used to
In 1965, Doug Engelbart (see tab on People of the Mouse– and his team of 17 other researchers showcased and debuted the mouse at the Stanford Research Institute in Menlo Park, California [1]. Most important of the technological inventions introduced at this event was the computer mouse, debuted in a 90-minute presentation attended by some 1,000 computer professionals [2]. This presentation would later become known as the “Mother of
Engelbart’s small research teams worked at display stations to experiment with different devices that would work to display objects on screen. These teams constructed several kinds of prototypes that featured a moving cursor that could select something on screen, but even this did not satisfy Engelbart’s desire for something even more efficient, or “high-performance” [1]. After his idea about a small device that the movement of wheels, when sent to the
The normalcy of the computer mouse as an everyday object and household name perhaps prevents people from wondering at the history of its invention [1]. This page aims to explore how Doug Engelbart, the inventor of the computer mouse, conceptualized and executed its invention. (See People of the Mouse for more specific information on The idea for the computer mouse first came to Doug Engelbart in 1961 as he
Purpose: Our goal in creating this site was to explore the invention of what we have dubbed the “aglet of the digital world.” We wanted to discuss a piece of technology that is often overlooked and illustrate its revolutionary impact on the way we interact with computers today. No other device fits this description better than the computer mouse. Heather Taylor Heather Taylor is a Junior, graduating in 2018 with a B.A.
As with all tech, developers are constantly pushing the envelope and searching for new and exciting ways to revamp our devices. Ever since the invention of the mouse in the late 1960’s by Douglas Engelbart, computer companies have sought out ways to find an even more efficient method of interacting with the Graphical User Interface on personal computers. This has led to the more recent development of the antecedent (in terms
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