Our goal in creating this site was to explore the invention of what we have dubbed the “aglet of the digital world.” We wanted to discuss a piece of technology that is often overlooked and illustrate its revolutionary impact on the way we interact with computers today. No other device fits this description better than the computer mouse.
Heather Taylor
Heather Taylor is a Junior, graduating in 2018 with a B.A. in Spanish and a Minor in Digital Studies. She will graduate in 2019 with her Master’s in Education.
Heidi Schmidt
Heidi Schmidt is a Junior, graduating Spring 2018 with a B.A. in History and will graduate Spring 2019 with a Master’s in Eduction, specializing in secondary social studies.
Anna-Marie Collins
Anna Collins is a Senior, graduating in May with a B. A. in English with a concentration in creative writing and a Minor in Digital Studies.
Megan Palmer
Megan is a Senior, planning on graduating in May with a B.A. in English and a B.A. in Communications & Digital Studies.
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