Author: Heather Taylor

April 11, 2017 | | Comments Off on The Computer Mouse: Aglet of the Digital World

The Computer Mouse: Aglet of the Digital World from Heather Taylor on Vimeo.   The Computer Mouse: Aglet of the Digital World (Transcription) Narrator: “When you look at this object, what is the first thing you see? The colors? The rubber sole? More than likely, you didn’t even notice the clear plastic tip at the end of the shoelace. Narrator: “This piece may look insignificant, however, it is a vital

April 4, 2017 | | Comments Off on The Touch Screen Revolution: Could the Mouse Become Obsolete?

As with all tech, developers are constantly pushing the envelope and searching for new and exciting ways to revamp our devices. Ever since the invention of the mouse in the late 1960’s by Douglas Engelbart, computer companies have sought out ways to find an even more efficient method of interacting with the Graphical User Interface on personal computers. This has led to the more recent development of the antecedent (in terms

April 4, 2017 | | Comments Off on The Trackpad: The Critics Have Spoken

The Trackpad has long been considered a competitor of the mouse. With its flat design and ‘click anywhere’ feel, it seems that the mouse should have been obsolete years ago. However, there is far more to consider when comparing both the mouse and the trackpad. For the purposes of this study, we will consider reviews from actual consumers of the Magic Trackpad, Apple’s answer to a mouse alternative, and will address

April 3, 2017 | | Comments Off on Recent Changes and Influences in the Mouse’s Design: Post Engelbart

Since the mouse’s initial development in the early 1960’s, it has been constantly undergoing changes that have enabled its style to evolve with the times. The mouse has grown into a natural feature of the computer desk, right next to the keyboard and monitor. As we all know them today, computer mice are characteristically made of plastic, even though this was not the case initially. As the mouse’s design was amended

March 23, 2017 | | Comments Off on Division of work (who is doing what)

Heather Taylor: completing all pages under the “Future of the Mouse” tab, about page, website layout; helping with planning, producing and editing documentary Megan Palmer: completing all pages under “People of the Mouse” tab; helping with planning and producing documentary, transcript of documentary Anna Collins: completing all pages under “History of the Mouse” tab; helping with planning, producing, and editing documentary Heidi Schmidt: completing all pages under “Antecedents of the Mouse”

March 17, 2017 | | Comments Off on Documentary Outline

Frame 1: Begin with contemplative music, title slide “Douglas C. Englebart, 2010” Frame 2: start with video interview of Doug Englebart talking about how he came up with the concept for the mouse Engelbart, Douglas C. “Inventor of the Computer Mouse.” YouTube video. 2:03. Posted by Neoncon2008, February 25, 2010. Accessed February 20, 2017. Frame 3: Another title slide “The Computer Mouse: Aglet of the digital world” [fade out to

March 17, 2017 | | Comments Off on Website Outline

For our website, we will divide our top menu into 4 sections: Antecedents, History, People of the Mouse, and Future of the Mouse. Each of these sections will have 3 sub-pages focused on specific topics. These topics, including their sources and images, are listed and pictured below. Please note we will also have an about page that describes our purpose for the project and a bibliography page of all our

February 21, 2017 | | Comments Off on Project Proposal: The Computer Mouse

The computer mouse was an important part of interactive computer technology, and is today a common household item. The 1968 debut of the computer mouse was called the “Mother of all Demos,” as it introduced a world to personal and interactive computing. Since it’s conception, companies such as Apple, Microsoft and Logitech have spent lots of funding on refining the computer mouse. The longevity of the design of the mouse

February 9, 2017 | | Comments Off on Test Post for the Mouse

By: Heather Taylor Here is my test post for the mouse. Attached I have a pic of the Magic Mouse and an article about Apple’s engineer responsible for the design of the first Apple Mouse. I look forward to studying the development of the mouse over time, and whether or not this piece of technology will become obsolete. If it will, then how soon?   Photo credit:  “The Engineer